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Last Updated on 01/09/2022
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What is Resonance? Tesla vs Steinmetz

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This was a doc in The Real Tesla Group Seeking the Truth not the Propaganda.
Stan Meyers said something that I think everyone working with his stuff, and Tesla's, should know and understand. He said that in his voltage intensifier circuit the voltage would increase to infinity, LIMITED ONLY BY THE EQUIPMENT. Note: I will be adding a video demonstrating this. This is a note to my self and I will remove it when I add thew video.
Now think about that!
With a guitar, if you pluck a string, it will want to vibrate at its natural frequency, and that's called the fundamental frequency, also known as the first harmonic, and it's a half a wavelength.

Electrical resonant oscillations are the same thing as a string on a guitar, their vibrations have certain properties, and there are principles they follow. These are the principles of wave superposition, or simply put, ALL WAVES ADD TOGETHER. The vibrations of resonance have to be 1/2 or 1/4 wavelengths or multiples there of (1/2 or 1/4 wavelengths, depending on the termination).
Wavelengths OF WHAT?
The natural wavelengths of the length of the string, or the wire. These are the principles that have to do with creating these oscillations, the principles of wave superposition and the principles of constructive interference and destructive interference. There is no electric and magnetic vibrating back and forth. That is a lie that’s in your face, I will explain more below. But let me just say, we know what resonance is. (see Link 2 ) (Note I am adding Link 6 to a post I did about that site/link 01/27/2020) I'm not asking anyone to just throw out everything they believe to be true, I'm asking you to listen to what I am saying and think about it. I'm going to tell you exactly what Steinmetz did, and why that is blinding you. If you have not yet read my post on "What We Can't See", do that now at this link: Link 3 .
I am going to do my best at giving you the meat up front here. Tesla was right about Einstein, but he is not the only one that has led people down a dead end path. Steinmetz played a big part here in making sure people could not see what I am seeing right now.
There are a lot of people out there going down that dead end path, hopefully I can help them take those blinders off. I am not a writer; it really is not my forte, so bare with me. God willing I will have some inspiration here, and this will come out clear and to the point.
Note: Added 01/09/2022
There is more than one type of resonance!
The type of resonance that I am talking about here is like music, it's based on wavelength, NOT A TANK CIRCUIT. You are not dealing with a conductor of limited length, but Tesla's wording in some of his patents clearly states that he is talking about a conductor OF LIMITED LENGTH.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 787,412, dated April 18, 1905.
Application filed May 16, 1900. Renewed June 17, 1902. Serial No. 113,034. (No model.)
"It is known since a long time that electric currents may be propagated through the earth, and this knowledge has been utilized in many ways in the transmission of signals and the operation of a variety of receiving devices remote from the source of energy, mainly with the object of dispensing with a return conducting-wire. It is also known that electrical disturbances may be transmitted through portions of the earth by grounding only one of the poles of the source, and this fact I have made use of in systems which I have devised for the purposes of transmitting through the natural media intelligible signals or power and which are now familiar; but all experiments and observations heretofore made have tended to confirm the opinion held by the majority of scientific men that the earth, owing to its immense extent, although possessing conducting properties, does not behave in the manner of a conductor of limited dimensions with respect to the disturbances produced, but, on the contrary, much like a vast reservoir or ocean, which while it may be locally disturbed by a commotion of some kind remains unresponsive and quiescent in a large part or as a whole. Still another fact now of common knowledge is that when electrical waves or oscillations are impressed upon such a conducting-path as a metallic wire reflection takes place under certain conditions from the ends of the wire, and in consequence of the interference of the impressed and reflected oscillations the phenomenon of “stationary waves” with maxima and minima in definite fixed positions is produced. In any case the existence of these waves have reached the boundaries of the conducting-path and have been reflected from the same. Now I have discovered that notwithstanding its vast dimensions and contrary to all observations heretofore made the terrestrial globe may in a large part or as a whole behave toward disturbances impressed upon it in the same manner as a conductor of limited size, this fact being demonstrated by novel phenomena, which I shall hereinafter describe."
Now someone tell me what that has to do with a tank circuit? I got kicked out of the group The Electric Universe Theory, BECAUSE OF THIS POST! (Before I added this update) I was talked down to by a moderator THAT CAN'T UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS SOME OTHER KIND OF RESONANCE.
Tank circuits have to do with frequency, NOT WAVELENGTH!
Now I know I say all the time that IF I HAVE SOMETHING WRONG, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
So now this question goes out to all of you people on Facebook that have turned my comments off on post, kicked me out of a group, or went thru my friends list and messaged people telling them I'm pushing propaganda and they should leave my group and unfriend me. BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT RESONANCE IS, or you know how Tesla's tech really works!
Please tell me what Tesla is talking about conductors of limited length and reflections has to do with resonance?
And where does the above fit into a tank circuit?
Where is your resonance that increases voltage at a linear rate?
And I'm not done yet with what he says in this patent.
Please read all of the patent (Link above) as I am only highlighting some things.
From the patent:
"In Fig. 1, A designates a primary coil forming part of a transformer and consisting generally of a few turns of a stout cable of inappreciable resistance, the ends of which are connected to the terminals of a source of powerful electrical oscillations, diagrammatically represented by B. This source is usually a condenser charged to a high potential and discharged in rapid succession through the primary, as in a type of transformer invented by me and now well known; but when it is desired to produce stationary waves of great lengths an alternating dynamo of suitable construction may be used to energize the primary A. C is a spirally-wound secondary coil within the primary having the end nearer to the latter connected to the ground E' and the other end to an elevated terminal E. The physical constants of coil C, determining its period of vibration, are so chosen and adjusted that the secondary system E' C E is in the closest possible resonance with the oscillations impressed upon it by the primary A. It is, moreover, of the greatest importance in order to still further enhance the rise of pressure and to increase the electrical movement in the secondary system that its resistance be as small as practicable and its self-induction as large as possible under the conditions imposed. The ground should be made with great care, with the object of reducing its resistance. Instead of being directly grounded, as indicated, the coil C may be joined in series or otherwise to the primary A, in which case the latter will be connected to the plate E'; but be it that none or a part or all of the primary or exciting turns are included in the coil C the total length of the conductor from the ground-plate E' to the elevated terminal E should be equal to one-quarter of the wave length of the electrical disturbance in the system E' C E or else equal to that length multiplied by an odd number. This relation being observed, the terminal E will be made to coincide with the points of maximum pressure in the secondary or excited circuit, and the greatest flow of electricity will take place in the same. In order to magnify the electrical movement in the secondary as much as possible, it is essential that its inductive connection with the primary A should not be very intimate, as in ordinary transformers, but loose, so as to permit free oscillation—that is to say, their mutual induction should be small. The spiral form of coil C secures this advantage, while the turns near the primary A are subjected to a strong inductive action and develop a high initial electromotive force. These adjustments and relations being carefully completed and other constructive features indicated rigorously observed, the electrical movement produced in the secondary system by the inductive action of the primary A will be enormously magnified, the increase being directly proportionate to the inductance and frequency and inversely to the resistance of the secondary system. I have found it practicable to produce in this manner an electrical movement thousands of times greater than the initial—that is, the one impressed upon the secondary by the primary A—and I have thus reached activities or rates of flow of electrical energy in the system E' C E measured by many tens of thousands of horsepower. Such immense movements of electricity give rise to a variety of novel and striking phenomena, among which are those already described. The powerful electrical oscillations in the system E' C E being communicated to the ground cause corresponding vibrations to be propagated to distant parts of the globe, whence they are reflected and by interference with the outgoing vibrations produce stationary waves the crests and hollows of which lie in parallel circles relatively to which the ground-plate E' may be considered to be the pole. Stated otherwise, the terrestrial conductor is thrown into resonance with the oscillations impressed upon it just like a wire. More than this, a number of facts ascertained by me clearly show that the movement of electricity through it follows certain laws with nearly mathematical rigor. For the present it will be sufficient to state that the planet behaves like a perfectly smooth or polished conductor of inappreciable resistance with capacity and self induction uniformly distributed along the axis of symmetry of wave propagation and transmitting slow electrical oscillations without sensible distortion and attenuation." (The bold and underlined letters are emphasis added)
Now I have to ask all you coil junkies out there that are following Steinmetz, where is the above in his stuff? There isn't, and in fact you probably don't have a clue as to what I am talking about, do you? This is in fact a battle between Steinmetz and Tesla, but not the resonance Tesla is most known for, he is not talking about a tank circuit in the patent quoted above.
One last thing, I think Tesla may have done some things like people say Stan Meyers did? I think this one he is really describing the effects from his 1/4 wavelength in the above?
From the patent:
"In Fig. 2 I have shown a device for detecting the presence of the waves such as I have used in a novel method of magnifying feeble effects which I have described in my Patents Nos. 685,953 and 685,955."
I am going to demonstrate magnifying FEEBLE EFFECTS using the wave on a string app and the fact that I have not made that video yet as I write this, and when I do make the video it will be under coincidence number 6 on my List of Coincidences.
End update 01/09/2022
Note: added video below was added from the statement just above01/11/2022
He has taken away the PLUS and MINUS CHARGES. He has made the deceleration the minus sign. He has locked your thinking into ONLY CHARGE DIFFERENCE, and NO PLUS and MINUS, but that is one of the first things you need to see as being wrong. TESLA CALLED IT THE ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELD. They are north and south, plus and minus. THERE ARE POSITIVE and NEGATIVE charged particles. They are particle that are just spinning in opposite directions one from another. The polarity flips at 0 and 180 deg phase. There is nothing decelerating in a sinusoidal signal, and Tesla told us he used a sinusoidal signal. See the page Tesla’s Real Secret Revealed.
There is no 90 deg phase difference between voltage and current, they are, at a 90 deg angle to each other, and Ken Wheeler has been saying the key word, when he talks about the Native Americans, and other enlightened people have said, "If there is one, there is the other", and I am paraphrasing here. Note: In reference to Ken, I believe most have some things right, but I don't think there is anyone that has everything right, including myself. So if I have something wrong, please point it out to me.
There is no lagging or leading current. There will always be one being in some proportion to the other, the higher the voltage in an AC system the lower the current will be. The reality is, that you are getting max output at 90 deg phase BECAUSE THE VOLTAGE IS MAX AT 90 deg PHASE. They are not 90 deg out of phase. Now take those blinders off and realize that your max positive voltage is at saturation, and that's where you will get the highest voltage AND current. I've found Oscilloscope manuals where they say stuff like the SUPPOSED 90 deg out of phase. I've posted sites that walk you thru the math and the reasoning for them being 90 deg out of phase. They jump thru hoops to show that's what's happening. It's all BS. You are getting the max current at 90 deg phase, THEY ARE NOT 90 DEG OUT OF PHASE.....
Now this is what you have. The electric field is increasing, max + volts (north, what ever you want to call it) reaches it's max voltage at 90 deg phase, then the voltage starts coming down. Tesla CALLED IT THE ROTATING MAGNETIC FIELD. It flips at 180 deg phase and starts increasing - volts and at 270 deg phase you have max - volts. THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR UNDERSTANDING TESLA'S STATIONARY WAVES (standing waves are scalar energy. A standing wave around the globe, would be like a guitar string vibrating around the globe radiating longitudinal waves of the aether).
You will never have your max current when voltage is at zero, that's a lie....
Note to self, find the post and add the information about the math and the oscilloscope manual. Remove this note when I do.
I would like to make a distinction here.
Standing waves are scalar energy, not scalar waves, they are an Alternating Voltage oscillation. Down the length of the standing wave, you could have near instantaneous communications and travel. That is SCALAR ENERGY can be near instantaneous down the length of the standing wave, no matter how long it is, by using phase modulation.
Scalar energy vibrates the electric field only, and creates LONGITUDINAL WAVES in the aether, like a string on a guitar vibrates the air and creates longitudinal waves. These waves can be X times faster than the speed of light. LONGITUDINAL WAVES ARE NOT NEAR INSTANTANEOUS. There is a formula that works for the longitudinal waves that is an X amount faster than light, but people have been saying that longitudinal waves can be near instantaneous, they are not.
NOTE: Added 12/29/2020
For clarify this may help with the overall view.
Look at the standing wave as if it's a ski lift with seats every X amount of feet. If you start and stop that lift with a repatriations that would be frequency.
Now if you had big plates on that cable instead of seats, when the cable moves it would push some air causing air waves like sound waves. The waves they put out propagate at a certain speed. Eric Dollard talks about that and the formula to calculate it. Those are longitudinal waves.
But the cable it's self is the standing wave, and if the cable is moved at one point, it all moves with it. If everything is already connected by standing waves, you would have a ski lift connection. Any starting and stopping of that cable will be near instantaneous, no matter how far away it is.
Now, to be clear, scalar energy (standing waves/ski lift cable) is near instantaneous, and longitudinal waves are not, there speed can vary. The starting and stopping of the cable is called phase modulation, you are modulating the time line. (Tom Bearden calls it time pumping, and 4D space, being time related).
End note added 12/29/2020
NOTE: update 01/05/2020:
Where does the extra energy come from in resonance?
It comes from the principles of wave superposition.
Resonance = standing waves.
In standing waves the input is additive.
The reason the resistance drops in the circuit is because the electron in a standing wave has the magnetic field switched off.
Please watch this video and you will see what Stan Meyers meant by the voltage will increase to infinity. You have to forget what you have been taught and realize where the extra energy comes from. It is not a mystery, it's the principles of wave superposition. Link 4
Additional reference:
I don’t usually like to use WikiPedia references but they have this one right on.
Resonance describes the phenomenon of increased amplitude that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force (or a Fourier component of it) is equal or close to a natural frequency of the system on which it acts. When an oscillating force is applied at a resonant frequency of a dynamic system, the system will oscillate at a higher amplitude than when the same force is applied at other, non-resonant frequencies.[3]
Frequencies at which the response amplitude is a relative maximum are also known as resonant frequencies or resonance frequencies of the system.[3] Small periodic forces that are near a resonant frequency of the system have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations in the system due to the storage of vibrational energy.
Resonance phenomena occur with all types of vibrations or waves: there is mechanical resonance, acoustic resonance, electromagnetic resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR) and resonance of quantum wave functions. Resonant systems can be used to generate vibrations of a specific frequency (e.g., musical instruments), or pick out specific frequencies from a complex vibration containing many frequencies (e.g., filters). Please see the Wikipedia at Link 5
End update 01/05/2020
NOTE: Added 01/27/2020
Small periodic forces that are near a resonant frequency of the system have the ability to produce large amplitude oscillations in the system due to the storage of vibrational energy. That is to say that standing waves STORE ENERGY AND EVERY CYCLE INPUT IS ADDED TO THE TOTAL ENERGY ALREADY IN THE SYSTEM. IT’S CALLED THE PRINCIPLES OF SUPERPOSITION. THAT IS THE KEY!
Note added 01/27/2020 end)
Note: added 03/25/2020
I want to be clear here about this, Tesla was the father of standing waves and when something goes into resonance there is a standing wave forming and the extra energy output, is because of the principles of wave superposition.
From Link 7
“Standing waves don't form under just any circumstances. They require that energy be fed into a system at an appropriate frequency. That is, when the driving frequency applied to a system equals its natural frequency. This condition is known as resonance. Standing waves are always associated with resonance. Resonance can be identified by a dramatic increase in amplitude of the resultant vibrations. Compared to traveling waves with the same amplitude, producing standing waves is relatively effortless.”
“Any system in which standing waves can form has numerous natural frequencies. The set of all possible standing waves are known as the harmonics of a system. The simplest of the harmonics is called the fundamental or first harmonic. Subsequent standing waves are called the second harmonic, third harmonic, etc. The harmonics above the fundamental, especially in music theory, are sometimes also called overtones.”
In ending, if you are not understanding that when something goes into resonance there is a standing wave being created, and that the extra output power is coming from the principles of wave superposition, then you will never be able to create overunity. I just want to make sure that point is made. Think about that and let it sink in.
What I mean by the above statement is for people working with coils, and trying to create free energy by what Tesla was doing. There may be other ways of creating free energy, so the above statement does not apply to them.
End note added 03/25/2020
As I said, writing is not my forte, so I may come back and reword something or add more information.
For more information go to my Tutorial Start Page: https://www.facebook.com/notes/understanding-teslas-stationary-waves-and-scalar-energy/tutorial-start-page/871168736614271/
Thank you
List of links below used in this in this document
Link 1. http://tghsl3physics.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/4/8/15482154/2803764.jpg
Link 3 https://www.facebook.com/notes/understanding-teslas-stationary-waves-and-scalar-energy/tutorial-start-page/871168736614271/ it's the second link down on the start page.
Link 4 https://youtu.be/Gb47gDeVRyg
Link 5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resonance
Link 6 https://www.facebook.com/groups/therealteslagroup/permalink/1006353273099424/